Looking for proteges soon!

Eligibility; protégé are women and non binary people from Australia and NZ in anaesthesia or pain medicine who are at least 1 year beyond completing their first fellowship with a track record of leadership, looking to develop their skills and improve their opportunities and resources for career development.

Protege will be matched with an advisor in their field of interest who will combine the skills of mentoring, coaching and sponsorship (if applicable) to help the protege achieve her career goals.Benefits; initially you will be paired with a WELI advisor. Pairings (dyads) will be suggested by the WELI advisory board based on comon interest and career paths. You will join the WELI network which includes established leaders in our field. networking within WELI will expand your contacts with the overall goal of mulitple people working together to support you and help you reach your goals. You will be able to attend a series of workshops to provide formal training in coaching, mentoring, leadership and career development.

Interested in becoming a protege? Please fill out the EOI form here.

If you would like to nominate a protege contact us at info@ausnzweli.org